1. Emergency Assistance Japan (EAJ)
  2. Corporate Information
  3. A message from our Representative Director and President

A message from our Representative Director and President

The EAJ was established with the idea of becoming a kind of 'private embassy' where Japanese people around the world could contact the EAJ before their embassies when they have a problem.
Even with the rapid development of information technology and AI, making the world seem smaller and more accessible, you cannot simply mechanically save people in crisis. We believe that the unique human 'assistance' that we provide, such as persistent negotiation with the feeling of “what if it were my family”, will continue to be at the core of our work.

On the other hand, the introduction of the latest technology is essential to maintain a system that remains operational 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, whatever the case may be. The seeds of business transformation gained from the new challenges in the Covid-19 pandemic will be nurtured and developed in many areas.
One such concept is to steadily pursue a strategy of linking the international needs of the next generation with the seeds of solutions from Japan and abroad in the international market, based on the medical and healthcare fields in which we specialize and their networks, with the aim of functioning as a 'general trading company' linking healthcare not only in Japan but around the world. In addition to providing support to individuals, we will also promote the construction of a new multi-layered crisis management system that will instantly set up the necessary structures when an organization is called upon to respond immediately to a crisis.

EAJ celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and is moving into its next phase. We will continue to change and challenge ourselves and strive to deliver “evolved assistance” to everyone.

Hideki Yamamoto
Representative Director and President
