Multi-lingual capabilities; network of over 1400 medical institutions nationwide.Emergency Assistance Services for Foreign nationals in Japan Foreigner
Answering needs like these!
- A foreign tourist falls ill. Without knowing Japanese; how is he or she to find a hospital or clinic and to receive medical attention without speaking Japanese?
- Foreign insurance is typically not honored at Japanese hospitals; who will serve as local guarantor?
- An uninsured foreign visitor is injured and needs medical attention; who will arrange the necessary payment guarantees?
Service Overview
EAJ has long experience in providing medical assistance services to foreign nationals visiting or residing in Japan. Multi-lingual staff are always available to take calls from persons in need and to coordinate medical arrangements within our nationwide network of hospitals and clinics. We also intermediate with foreign and domestic insurers to see that benefits are properly administered.

Feature 1Trust based on experience

Through many years of experience assisting foreign visitors, EAJ has developed a reputation among foreign insurers and Assistance providers as the industry leader in Japan. In light of the current annual growth in visitor numbers, we anticipate the need for these services to increase. Our competency is based on thorough familiarity with the medical profession, the Japanese medical system, and the intracacies of insurance administration.
Feature 2Multi-lingual capabilities

The greatest difficulty a foreign patient faces when seeking medical treatment abroad is always that of language. EAJ is staffed around the clock with competent English and Chinese speaking Assistance personnel and accomodates multiple other languages through in-house and external resources, thus ensuring patients, from time of contact to medical discharge and even until safe return home, that they are in good hands and have an advocate looking after their needs.
Feature 3Payment intermediary

Core to our services is our function as payment administrator and intermediary between insurer, medical provider, and patient. Both foreign and domestic insurers rely on our ability to administer benefits and arrange cashless service through our preferred provider network of over 1400 hospitals and clinics nationwide. We also work with uninsured patients to find financial solutions to their medical needs.
- Hospital and physician referrals
- We will refer the patient to an appropriate medical facility and make the arrangements for treatment.
- Medical interpretation and translation
- We provide interpretation and translation between Japanese and English, Chinese, and other major languages.
- Cashless service arrangements and payment administration
- If the patient is insured under an overseas travel insurance plan, we wil refer him or her to a medical who provides cashless medical service.