Providing world-wide 24 hour 365 day assistance services to travelersOverseas Travel Insurance Assistance Services Insurance
Answering needs like these!
- As an insurer, we wish to enhance our overseas travel insurance with medical assistance benefits
- We wish to provide our overseas travel insurance members with access to cashless service.
- Members injured while traveling abroad typically rely on local emergency services. We have no way of assessing the quality of that care or of determining whether or not the patient should be brought home.
Service Overview

We provide medical Assistance services to travelers on behalf of overseas travel insurance policy issuers. Our assistance begins with 24 hour 365 day call center operations and includes medical referals and payment guarantees worldwide. We monitor and assess the quality of a patient's care, and should appropriate treatment not be available locally, we will move the patient by air ambulance to a reputable hospital in another region or country. When circumstances demand it, we will dispatch a doctor/nurse medical team to retrieve the patient and accompany him or her home to Japan. We are equiped to meet the full spectrum of assistance demanded by overseas travel insurers.

Feature 1150 Coordinators Worldwide Ready to Serve

Our worldwide operations, staffed by approximately 150 experienced, multilingual Assistance coordinators, are prepared to respond at any time of day or night to any Assistance need anywhere in the world. Globally, we operate six call centers, including 24 hour centers in Japan, China, and Thailand, and our Assistance operations are supported by comprehensive, worldwide medical provider and agent networks.
Feature 2We Deliver the Japan Standard of Assistance Services

Care and compassion, as delivered by our medical staff and coordinators, is the core of our service. Medical referrals and decisions with regard to medical evacuations and repatriations are made under the supervision of Japanese physicians specializing in emergency medicine. Experience with all manner of emergencies under all kinds of circumstances gives us an advantage, even when the patient is in a region with substandard medical facilities.
Furthermore, by working together with the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, we have assembled highly experienced air transport medical teams. Patients being transported long distances from overseas back to Japan can feel secure when they are in the care of Japanese physicians and nurses.
Feature 3Comprehensive Assistance, from Beginning to End

Medical Assistance has many faces. As well as hospital referrals and appointments, it may include medical interpretation, payment guarantees and insurance claims subrogation, and in some circumstances, travel arrangements to bring family members to the sick or injured traveler's hospital bedside. Or it may include medical repatriation and arrangements for continuing medical care in Japan. All these and more are accessible to travelers with just one phone call to EAJ. Our Assistance platform is structured and equipped to provide a wide range of support, and our coordinators are always ready to assess each traveler's particular situation and to work with our domestic and international team of experts to bring each issue to resolution. We are the single source, comprehensive Assistance solution.
- Hospital and Physician Referrals
- Referrals and appointments on patients' behalf, worldwide.
- Medical Transports
- When adequate treatment is unavailable locally, we arrange medical transport either to the nearest adequate facility or, when the circumstances so demand, back to Japan. Doctor and nurse escorts are dispatched from Japan.
- Medical Insurance Claims Subrogation
- We prepare and submit insurance claims to insurers on patients' behalf.
- Medical Interpretation and Communication Assistance
- To ensure that patients are able to communicate adequately with doctors and hospital staff abroad, we provide medical interpretation, either over the telephone or, when circumstances demand it, through dispatch of local interpreters.
- Monitoring of Patients under Local Care
- When local hospitalization is required, an EAJ physician will make contact with the treating doctor to gain an understanding of the patient's condition and the progress of his or her treatment.
- Assessment of Local Care and Medical Second Opinions
- When requested by the patient or the patient's family, an EAJ physician will review medical data obtained from the local doctor, assess the course of treatment and quality of care, and make recommendations and offer medical advice.
- Travel Assistance for Family Members
- We will assist members of the patient's family in obtaining passports and arranging travel to the patient's hospital bedside abroad.